On Decency
It’s so absolutely crazy to me, how people are acting like they have lost their damned minds these days. People are literally not believing their eyes, not believing and hearing what they see. I’m not talking about altered videos. I’m talking about live TV, where people are saying absolutely the most hideous things to and about one another. It’s just awful! What ever happened to decency?
I remember one time telling my brother that I had to set someone straight while riding to work on the train. I felt kind of bad for having to even speak to the person in front of others. But, he told me to never feel bad about correcting someone in the open, that I was performing a public service. Ha! One of his favorite quotes is, “Common sense ain’t common.” Every day this saying proves to be true, as I see people try to justify being outraged at kidnapped babies. People making money off people seeking safety, food, and shelter. It’s appalling, this lack of decency. It’s common sense that parents would want better lives for their children. It’s fiction to make believe that these people who come here with nothing, with no knowledge of our language, would suddenly be capable of taking our dignity. But, it looks like many are giving that away.
People are literally choosing to believe a known liar. We are watching a whole branch of government support a man who is literally stripping away norms for his personal gain and not the country’s. When it comes to setting policies, this same group that would criticize the last administration, praises this one of doing the EXACT SAME THINGS. If the former President had done an eighth of what this one has done in plain sight, he would not have finished one term. The hypocrisy is mind numbing.
People of medium to high intelligence are looking at each other as if to say, “What the hell is going on??” More than anything, at least in my opinion, is when I see people who know better, do less. People who built their careers acting as if conservative values were their cornerstone, now act as if cruelty was always the point. Maybe it was; maybe it always was. They were never decent, which means they were always nasty and acted like they were decent. They are deplorable (yeah, I said it). Eww!
May God have mercy on your souls for the things you have chosen to do. Like God the Father intended, we all have free will, and like Him, I respect your decision to live this life of indecency. You have purposely chosen a tyrant to lead you. There is nothing to forgive. You are indecent, and we have nothing to say to one another. You cannot convince me to stop resisting, and I cannot remove the scales from your eyes. I do not support the things or people you do. I do not subscribe to stupidity, nor do I entertain bullshit. To quote Simon Cowell, “Off you go.” Cool, cool. We’re good.