Get Dressed!

Introducing Mizz Bris…
3 min readNov 12, 2020

Don’t they know who’s coming??

As a knight for the Lord, it is my duty to make the way plain and ready for when He comes. My armor is dented and a bit filthy from the paths I’ve had to cut through. My sword is not new, but it is sharp. I keep it ready, because the world is changing, and I don’t recognize some of the roads I used to walk to the places I’ve been before.

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Some of the faces have changed, too. Some are friends, some are family. But, they don’t look the same. Some no longer speak the same language. There has been a line drawn in the sand; they are on one side and I am on the other. My Lord is my Father God, His Son is my brother, and His Spirit is my Comforter. This is my truth and my light. I make the way plain by radiating the light that He has placed within me. And, what I am seeing is distressing.

People have twisted themselves into pretzels to make sense of one who is without sense. People who don’t know better are fine with embracing ignorance, because it requires no effort. Those who know better are taking advantage of the ignorant, because of greed or simply because they can. Like Alfred said, “Some men like to watch the world burn.” I am seeing people throw away their whole careers. I have heard some say, “If I die, I die.” Words that completely confound me, because my brother came so that we may “have life and have it more abundantly”. So, I no longer know these people who say that they are my people. I have had to leave them where they stand. We have now come to a fork in the road and I must leave them.

I wish you knew the pain it has caused me to leave some of my closest, kindred spirits behind. But, where I am weak, He is strong. I have a job to do, a role to fulfill. When I see the ones who do not know any better, I tell them to get up and get dressed! “Don’t you know who’s coming?!” It’s time to get moving! If you are a baker, get baking. If you are a teacher, keep teaching. If you are a preacher, get to preaching! You preachers, especially, are fishers of men. And, when the Lord comes, He will be looking for his followers. Let’s get back to those bakers for a second. When my Father walks into the kitchen, He will know that the bakers with flour on their cheeks and under their nails, the ones with pie filling splashed on their aprons are the ones who have been baking. The clean bakers may say that they have been baking, but He will know the truth.

He will know you by your work! Faith without works is dead, remember? He will know you by your deeds. So, get up and get dressed! You know who’s coming now. Don’t feign ignorance. Stay ready. Stay woke. Don’t call yourself a Christian when you are just fine with children being taken from their parents and locked in actual cages. Don’t call yourself a pro-lifer when you fully support an administration that would remove healthcare benefits from any number of people, let alone 20 million, DURING a global pandemic. Don’t tell me what I heard a liar say out of his own mouth, and try to turn it into “alternative facts”. He will know you by your love, and you aren’t demonstrating anything of the sort. Love. Love. Love, I don’t see you demonstrating love. Don’t you know who’s coming???



Introducing Mizz Bris…

She was as magical as the ancestors that became her. #BlackWomenAreAForce #Seer #TruthChaser #ISFJ #BeaufortSCLady #MightyMother #VOTE #RESIST